Board of Trustees

Saint Saviour Catholic Academy is governed by a two-tiered board that is comprised of a Board of Trustees and a Board of Members. You can learn more about the difference between Catholic academies and schools here.

The role of the Board of Trustees is to ensure that the Academy fulfills its mission while at all times supporting and sharing our Catholic faith. Each Director serves a three-year renewable term and draws on personal experience to advise the Academy administration on all matters.

While employees and parents of current students cannot serve on the Board, they are encouraged to serve on our Board Committees. There are several Board Committees in which they can participate including Development, Mission Assessment and Academics, Marketing and Communications, Building and Grounds, and Strategic Planning.

The Nominating, Personnel, Finance, Compliance and Tuition Assistance Committees are open to Board of Trustee Officers and Members only. 

If you would like to volunteer for a Board Committee please email Lenae Guarna at [email protected].

Watch Currents Education Correspondent Marie Elena Grossi report from Saint Saviour Catholic Academy on the transition to an Academy model and how it has been a key to our success.

Board of Members
Deacon Kevin McCormack – Superintendent of Schools
Rev. Msgr. David L. Cassato - Vicar for Catholic Schools
Father Frank W. Spacek, D. Min – Pastor, Church of Saint Saviour
Monsignor Guy Massie – Pastor, Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary – Saint Stephen Church

Board of Trustees: Officers
Lenae Guarna, Board Chairperson
Pam Hamingson, Board Vice-Chairperson
Sharon Brown-Veillard, Treasurer
Gregory Arte, Secretary

Board of Trustees: Members
Kate Broderick (Haigney)
Monique Jenkins

Henry Matthews
Veracelle Vega-Hansen